Mohawk Valley Water Authority Minutes

April 16, 2018

Chairman DeLia called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Present: Dennis Bova, Bruce Brodsky, Dave Corr, Vincent Coyne, Elis DeLia, Eric Kane, Richard Karam, Bette Szesny and John Wallace. Absent: Rocco Arcuri, Mark Ford and Frank Mutolo.
Also Present: Richard Goodney, Jim Korfonta, Phil Tangorra, Scott Gorgas and Ken Bobrow, Esq.
John Murad from Hancock & Estabrook was also present.

Chairman DeLia presided and Suzanne Harmon took the minutes.

Approval of the February 12, 2018 Minutes

Motion made by Mr. Brodsky to approve the minutes. Seconded by: Mr. Corr
Vote: (10) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (2) Absent Motion Carried.

Approval: 1st Quarter Investment Statement Ending March 31, 2018

Mr. Korfonta stated that this is an investment statement of the MVWA trust funds. The Board has been presented with these statements every quarter for approval.

Motion made by Mr. Brodsky to approve. Seconded by: Mr. Bova
Vote: (9) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (3) Absent Motion Carried.

Committee Reports

Mr. Korfonta stated that consumption is above budget and billings for the first quarter are above last years. Cash flow is building back up.

Executive Director’s Report:

  • Mr. Becher stated that we are scheduled to receive 2.3 million dollars from Empire State Development for work on the MVWA raw water transmission lines. We should have the paperwork completed this week to start the process of obtaining the funds. In the meantime Mr. Goodney received approval from Brookfield to get on their right of way to start scoping out what we need to do.
  • Mr. Becher stated that the MVWA has started leak detection ahead of paving repairs.
  • There were two conferences last week; one was the AWWA conference in Saratoga which Phil Tangorra gave two presentations. One was regarding our partnership with SUEZ and the other one was on the actual treatment process itself.
  • Dick Goodney gave a presentation at the APWA conference in Buffalo on innovative techniques that we are doing here.
  • The MVWA has been evaluating switching from virgin granular activated carbon to custom reactivated GAC. The virgin carbon product was budget at approximately 1 million dollars a year. We are looking at using reactivated carbon.Phil Tangorra stated that the regenerated GAC study report was submitted and the DOH has given approval to utilize it. If we can get this installed by July it will result in approximately $250,000 savings. All of that money will be given back to the Authority from SUEZ.
  • Mr. Becher stated that he was at the spring AMWA conference on March 19th in Washington, DC. Unfortunately no one knew when the revisions are coming on the lead and copper rule. The revisions should be released by the end of the year. Mr. Becher met with Congresswoman Tenney while he was in DC and discussed a couple of issues that the MVWA is dealing with. If there is any opportunity with federal infrastructure funds if she could help the MVWA acquire some funding.

Chairman DeLia asked for a motion to go into Executive Session at 5:14 PM to discuss pending and current litigation.

Motion made by Mr. Coyne. Seconded by: Mr. Brodsky
Vote: (9) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (3) Absent Motion Carried.

Went into Executive Session at 5:18 PM.

Came out of Executive Session at 5:49 PM.

Motion made by Mr. Brodsky. Seconded by: Mr. Karam
Vote: (9) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (3) Absent Motion Carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:49 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Suzanne M. Harmon, Secretary
Mohawk Valley Water Authority