Water Quality

Telephone (315) 792-0301
Fax (315) 792-5201
One Kennedy Plaza
Utica, NY 13502

USEPA ID#: NY01505
New York State ELAP ID#: 10319
Pennsylvania DEP ID#: 68-03428

American Waterworks Association (AWWA)
Water Research Foundation

Typical Pricing for Laboratory Testing

Effective January 1, 2024
Category Analyte(s) Cost *
Bacteriological Total Coliform / E. coli - Qualitative (Presence/Absence) $30
Bacteriological Total Coliform / E. coli - Quantitative $40
Bacteriological Standard Plate Count (HPC) $15
Lead & Copper Lead & Copper $40
Inorganics Nitrate-Nitrite $30
Water Chemistry Panel Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness, Fluoride, Chloride, Conductivity, Sulfate and Turbidity. $100
Organic Carbon ** Total Organic Carbon $40
Organic Carbon ** Dissolved Organic Carbon $40

* Standard Turnaround Time (TAT) is 7-10 days (15 for lead/copper). For expedited results (1-day TAT for Total Coliform/E. coli; 5-day for lead/copper; 3-day for all others), the cost per test is doubled.

** Only offered to public water systems or by special arrangement with the laboratory.

Emergency Lab Service Fee: For lab services outside normal business hours, MVWA charges $150/day plus standard analyte charges.

Please refer to individual instruction sheets for sampling, acceptance, and hold-time requirements for specific analytes.