As-Built Drawing Requirements
All entities who construct public water lines to become a part of the MVWA water distribution system must submit a certified “as-built” set of construction drawings, satisfactory to the MVWA, prior to water being delivered to customers. Bacteriological testing results will be held until “as-built” drawings, meeting the requirements in this document, are accepted by the MVWA.
As-built drawings are to be submitted to the MVWA Engineering Department allowing two weeks for review. The MVWA will begin providing water service only after the project passes pressure and bacteriological testing AND the as-built drawings are acceptable to the MVWA. At the discretion of the MVWA, testing may occur prior to the submission of as-built drawings.
Mohawk Valley Water Authority
Engineering Department
1 Kennedy Plaza
Utica, NY 13502
The following abbreviations are referenced in this document.
- CAD - Computer Aided Drafting (refers to AutoCAD drawings)
- MVWA - Mohawk Valley Water Authority
- Engineer - New York State Licensed Professional Engineer
- Surveyor - New York State Licensed Public Land Surveyor
- Contractor - Utility Contractor
- Prior to receiving water service, the Contractor shall deliver to the MVWA CAD files and certified copies of as-built surveys with all required revisions included as the final as-built survey.
- The original set of the as-built construction documents must be stamped by a NYS licensed surveyor or a NYS licensed professional engineer. All measurements are to be made by (or under the supervision of) the Surveyor or Engineer who will be certifying the project as constructed. An exception may be made for the Contractor to measure the depth to buried infrastructure (refer to B.4). Hand drawn measurements or revisions will not be accepted.
- The MVWA will be allowed two (2) weeks for review of the as-builts. All changes requested by the MVWA as a result of their review must be made to both the stamped original set and the digital file.
- The Contractor is responsible for coordinating with the Surveyor or Engineer during construction and shall ideally provide access to all utilities prior to being buried, allowing accurate horizontal and vertical measurements to be acquired by the Surveyor or Engineer. If survey measurement is not practical prior to burial, the Contractor must measure and record approximate depth (nearest 6”) to the buried feature or utility crossing and place a stake directly above the feature or utility crossing that can be surveyed. Stake must have depth from top of feature (or utility crossing) to finished grade and feature (or utility crossing) type marked on the stake. In the event of any discrepancies identified by the MVWA, and at no cost to the MVWA, the Contractor shall verify the location and measurements of any buried utilities.
- Buried features include, but are not limited to: bends, tees, crosses, reducers/increasers, taps, utility crossings
- All utility information must be collected, and locations surveyed, regardless of “typical” alignments.
- The as-built survey/drawings shall be prepared at the Applicant’s expense.
- All digital as-built utility information in the as-built survey must reference the State Plane Coordinate System, New York Central Zone, NAD 83 2011(horizontal) and NAVD 88 (vertical) utilizing GEOID 12A or GEOID 12B; the units must be in feet; and be properly projected into its correct spatial location prior to submitting the MVWA. The MVWA will reject improperly spatially referenced as-built surveys.
- The Surveyor performing the data collection will independently verify the positional accuracy relative to the referenced horizontal and vertical datum. Local, state, or federal agencies vertical and horizontal control points will be used and referenced in the documentation.
- The positional accuracy relative to the referenced published control points used shall not exceed 0.5’ horizontally or 0.5’ vertically.
- Coordinates on the water mains will be required at: all pipe dead ends; size changes; points of connection to the existing system; fittings (bends, valves, tees, etc.); at intersections of pipe; and at 100’ intervals for water mains (stationing).
- Coordinates are required on utility crossings.
- Coordinates are required on all hydrants, valves (also depth to nut), and visible water appurtenances.
- Coordinates will be provided for the corners (vertices) of all easements being granted to the MVWA as a part of the project.
- The amount of information required on as-built and record drawings will require the drawing author to organize its presentation in order to make the drawings readable. Use a table to show coordinate information (x, y, z).
- File format shall be AutoCAD (.dwg), saved as version 2010 or higher.
- All polylines (ex. water mains) shall be connected with no broken segments, unless noted below:
- Polylines shall be broken at each of the following points (fitting / blocks in AutoCAD):
- Valves
- Reducers
- Tees, taps, and crosses (including hydrant tees)
- Labels shall be placed on a separate layer – not on the feature layer.
- All water mains shall show a call out designating each size, material, pipe rating, and class of pipe installed and include a leader line pointing to the pipe.
- Plan showing size, material (make, model and manufacturer), quantities of materials installed, and offset of main deflections, if any, location of service laterals at property lines (also stationing at main, if not perpendicular to the main), stationing of all fittings and appurtenances (fire hydrants, air vacs and blow offs), stationing for all valves and offsets for valves on laterals and intersecting mains.
- Stationing and alignment of any existing utilities the main crosses at the time of installation.
- Must submit the manufacturer, model, and year of all operating appurtenances (such as valves, hydrants, etc.). Fire hydrants to also include barrel size.
- Provide profile or cross sections of vertical bends if installed.
- Indicate pipe joint locations where water and sewer piping crosses.
- Show all abandoned in place facilities including the extent and method of abandonment.
- Final stamped and signed drawings to be submitted in ink on 24 x 36 Mylar (min. 4 mil. thickness)
- Printed scale to be between 1” = 10’ and 1” = 100’, unless otherwise approved in writing by the MVWA.
- Drawings to include:
- Scale of drawings and bar scale
- North arrow
- Location of benchmark with M.S.L. elevations
- Seal and signature of New York registered P.E. or R.L.S. on each sheet that performed as-builts
- All easements identified and dimensioned
- Statement designating drawings are "as-built" on each sheet
- Provide a table with all mains classified by size and type. Include fire hydrant pipe quantities separately. List valves, fittings, and hydrants by their make, model, size, & quantity. Provide manufacturer’s literature (cut sheet or spec sheet).
As-Built Drawing Requirements Subject to MVWA Revision