Mohawk Valley Water Authority Minutes

October 23, 2017

Chairman DeLia called the meeting to order at 5:42 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Present: Rocco Arcuri, Dennis Bova, Bruce Brodsky, Dave Corr, Vincent Coyne, Elis DeLia, Mark Ford, Richard Karam, Frank Mutolo, Bette Szesny and John Wallace. Absent: Eric Kane. Also Present: Richard Goodney, Jim Korfonta, Scott Gorgas, Anne Milograno, Greg Santry and Ken Bobrow, Esq.

Chairman DeLia presided and Suzanne Harmon took the minutes.

Approval of the August 21, 2017 Minutes

Motion made by Mr. Ford to approve the minutes. Seconded by: Mr. Arcuri.
Vote: (11) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (1) Absent Motion Carried.

Resolution: Decision Regarding Establishment of Water Rates, Fees and Charges Effective January 1, 2018

A public hearing concerning rates, fees and charges of the MVWA was held on October 23, 2017 at 5 PM. The Executive Director presented the case for a 3.77% rate increase to fund a $24,500,000.00 budget for FY 2018. The main reasons are: 1) overall salaries and wages anticipated to have an increase of approximately 2.5%, 2) operating costs increasing approximately 4.0%, 3) Benefits: health insurance increase 10 – 15% and workers compensation insurance of 10 – 15% and 4) property and liability insurance of 5 – 10%.

There was public comment made during the public hearing.

Said increases shall become effective January 1, 2018 for all billings rendered by MVWA on or after said date.

Motion made by: Mr. Arcuri Seconded by: Mr. Brodsky.
Vote: (11) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (1) Absent Motion Carried.

Approval: The MVWA 2018 Calendar Year Proposed Budget

Motion made by Mr. Arcuri to approve the budget. Seconded by: Mr. Corr.
Vote: (11) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (1) Absent Motion Carried.

Resolution: Time Bank Donations

It has come to the attention of the Board of the MVWA that MVWA employees desire to contribute a leave bank for the benefit of other employees who are dealing with catastrophic circumstances and have exhausted all of their personal paid time off.

Mr. Coyne asked if there was a cap on the amount of sick time an employee can give, is there a cap on the time used and is there a differential considered on who gives the hours as to who uses them.

Mr. Becher stated no there is not.

Mr. Coyne would like the resolution to be more specific on how the MVWA handles this with the unions.

Mr. Brodsky asked if the employees have any paid time off that they lose at the end of the year.

Mr. Santry stated that they do – they are called personal days.

Mr. Brodsky would like to mirror other organizations in the State and use that as a model.

Chairman DeLia stated that should an emergency situation happen again that our pilot on this continues until we come up with our final policy and allow Mr. Becher to have that discretion.

Mr. Becher stated that the MVWA will work on more details and bring it back to the Board.

Approval: Quarterly Investment Statement Ending June 30, 2017

Mr. Korfonta stated that this is an investment statement of the MVWA trust funds. The Board has been presented with these statements every quarter for approval.

Motion made by: Mr. Brodsky Seconded by: Mr. Corr.
Vote: (11) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (1) Absent Motion Carried.

Executive Director’s Report

  • Mr. Becher stated that the MVWA received a letter from NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation informing the MVWA that our community has been awarded a NYS Water Infrastructure Improvement Act grant regarding the Raw Water Transmission Upgrades Phase 1. The grant has been awarded in an amount not to exceed $2,212,200, based on information provided in the application. The EFC will determine the actual amount of your grant when the project is complete and EFC confirms the final project costs.
  • The MVWA Engineering Department has had a couple of meetings with FEMA regarding the winter storm last year. The MVWA costs were approximately between $80,000 and $900,000.00 for personnel time, equipment, etc. The Engineering Department is finishing the paperwork and should have it submitted some time in November.

Chairman DeLia asked for a motion to go into Executive Session at 6:16 PM to discuss labor negotiations.

Motion made by Mr. Ford. Seconded by: Mr. Bova.
Vote: (11) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (1) Absent Motion Carried.

Came out of Executive Session at 6:33 PM.

Motion made by Mr. Arcuri. Seconded by: Mr. Brodsky.
Vote: (11) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (1) Absent Motion Carried.

In Executive Session the Board voted to renew the Management Union Contract.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:34 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Suzanne M. Harmon, Secretary
Mohawk Valley Water Authority