Mohawk Valley Water Authority Minutes

June 19, 2017

Chairman DeLia called the meeting to order at 5:01 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Present: Dennis Bova, Bruce Brodsky, David Corr, Vincent Coyne, Elis DeLia, Mark Ford, Eric Kane, Richard Karam, Frank Mutolo and John Wallace. Absent: Rocco Arcuri and Bette Szesny. Also Present: Richard Goodney, Phil Tangorra, Jim Korfonta, Scott Gorgas, Steve Gassner, Anne Milograno, Ken Bobrow, Esq., Wendy Marsh from Hancock & Estabrook, Mark Burke, Mark Phillips, Jason O’Brien and Daniel Capazoli, Esq., from SUEZ.

Chairman DeLia presided and Suzanne Harmon took the minutes.

Approval of the April 17, 2017 Minutes

Motion made by Mr. Brodsky to approve the minutes. Seconded by: Mr. Ford.
Vote: (10) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (2) Absent Motion Carried.

Approval: Prospect Real Property Appraisal Services

Mr. Bobrow stated that when the Village of Prospect dissolved they owned property next to the Water Treatment Plant. We have been asked to purchase a portion of the property, which would be helpful to the Plant for access purposes and other things. Before the MVWA makes an offer on the property the MVWA would like to have an appraisal as to what the value is. Mr. Bobrow is in the process of contacting appraisers in the range of $3,500 to $4,000. There are three parcels involved and the MVWA is interested in two of the parcels. Would like a motion to hire an appraiser for up to $4,000.

Motion made by Mr. Coyne to approve. Seconded by: Mr. Mutolo.
Vote: (10) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (2) Absent Motion Carried.

Approval: Agreement with Town of Westmoreland for Meter Reading Services

The Town maintains and operates the Westmoreland Water District which serves approximately 260 customers, comprised of homes and businesses. The MVWA will procure Neptune radio interface meters for the Town’s customers and install the meters. The Town shall pay the MVWA for the Neptune meter together with the Meter Interface Unit, plus installation, the sum of $195, 00 per unit.

The Town shall pay a fee of $4.00 per customer billing by MVWA for the services it renders under this agreement. The $4.00 fee shall remain in effect for a period of two years and then be reduced to $2.00 per customer per quarterly billing thereafter.

Motion made by Mr. Mutolo to approve. Seconded by: Mr. Ford.
Vote: (10) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (2) Absent Motion Carried.

Committee Reports

Mr. Korfonta stated that consumption overall is similar to last year. Water sales are where they should be and cash flow is very good.

Executive Director’s Report

  • Mr. Becher stated that in the last three weeks the MVWA was notified by the State of New York that the MVWA has to do a cyber securing vulnerability assessment. The MVWA is required to hire a firm that is certified by the State to probe our systems to check our vulnerabilities and weaknesses and tell us what we need to do to fix it. The process needed to commence by June 1, which the MVWA did. There are three companies interested in doing this and the price range is from $20,000 to $80,000. Mr. Becher would like to recommend that this go through the Operations Committee. The MVWA has until December 31, 2017 to get the findings into the State.
  • Mr. Tangorra stated that we advanced the capital plan for chemicals due to the spill last year. The MVWA applied for funding through the department of health for improved fluoridation. The MVWA went through the grant approval process and was supposed to be approved last August. There was a delay on the State side and we proceeded with the program. When the announcement was made in November they simply stated that because we had already started the project we were no longer eligible for funding. Mr. Tangorra engaged in several discussions with separate route funding that we were awarded in the sum of almost $200,000. That money reimburses us for the cost of the chemical feed construction.
  • Mr. Brodsky stated that there was an article in the paper stating that the Governor has a new round of funding. Mr. Becher stated that the MVWA has an application being put together and should be in in three weeks, which would be for the transmission line.

Old Business

Mr. Corr asked if there was any follow-up to the State Controller determined that there is a law on the books since 1995 which is an infrastructure fund that we are supposed to give money to when we do a project, which amounts to one tenth of one percent. Mr. Becher stated that the State Controller’s office did an audit on the State Labor Department and found that the Department of Labor was not charging one tenth of one percent on construction costs for the last 20 years A letter was written by Ken Bobrow, Esq. and signed by Mr. Becher stating that the MVWA’s enabling statute which created this Authority contains language that exempts the MVWA from these fees. The letter was sent 5 weeks ago and have not heard anything back.

Chairman DeLia asked for a motion to go into Executive Session at 5:20 PM to discuss negotiation of a possible contract for Operations and Maintenance at the Water Treatment Plant.

Motion made by Mr. Brodsky to approve. Seconded by: Mr. Mutolo.
Vote: (10) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (2) Absent Motion Carried.

Went into Executive Session at 5:25 PM.

Came out of Executive Session at 6:44 PM.

Motion was made to move forward with the Contract with SUEZ and giving Mr. Becher the authority to sign the Contract.

Motion made by Mr. Coyne to approve. Seconded by: Mr. Wallace.
Vote: (10) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (2) Absent Motion Carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:46 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Suzanne M. Harmon, Secretary
Mohawk Valley Water Authority