Mohawk Valley Water Authority Minutes

March 20, 2017

Chairman DeLia called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Present: Rocco Arcuri, Bruce Brodsky, David Corr, Elis DeLia, Mark Ford, Richard Karam, Bette Szesny and John Wallace. Absent: Dennis Bova, Vincent Coyne, Eric Kane and Frank Mutolo. Also Present: Richard Goodney, Phil Tangorra, Anne Milograno, Jim Korfonta and Ken Bobrow, Esq.

Chairman DeLia presided and Suzanne Harmon took the minutes.

Chairman DeLia welcomed Dave Corr and John Wallace to the Board.

Approval of the February 27, 2017 Minutes

Motion made by Mr. Ford to approve the minutes. Seconded by: Mr. Arcuri.
Vote: (8) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (4) Absent Motion Carried.

Committee Reports

Mr. Korfonta stated that consumption is a little above what was budgeted and cash flow is down. The MVWA completed their annual audit and are now finalizing it for the State which needs to be in by the end of the month. The final version will be presented to the Board within the next month or two.

Executive Director’s Report

  • Mr. Becher stated that the snow storm the MVWA was out for a day and a half. Mr. Becher spoke to Mayor Palmieri who stated that there are approximately 2,000 fire hydrants in the City of Utica that were buried in snow banks. The Mayor asked if the MVWA could assist the National Guard and the Utica Fire Department to help dig out the hydrants. On Friday morning the MVWA sent out 20 employees for assistance and they cleared out 95% of the hydrants by 4:30 PM that day. The Engineering Department provided a web based map for everyone to use. The MVWA may be eligible for some FEMA reimbursement.
  • Anthony Picenti gave his State of the Union address and stated that he was considering merging county sewer with the MVWA. Mr. Becher stated that there are a lot of issues to address and has asked his senior staff to start thinking about issues under that scenario. Mr. Brodsky’s concern is the cost of the consent order and the big fiscal impact this would have. Mr. Becher stated that he would keep the Board informed if things move forward.
  • Mr. Becher stated that he will be in Washington DC next week for the AMWA Conference and will contact Claudia Tenney to put in a request for funding for our raw water line at the Treatment Plant which could be $50 million dollars. A request has already been sent to Senator Schumer’s office.
  • Mr. Becher stated that he and Phil Tangorra would attend a scheduled meeting with NYSDEC at the State Office Building regarding the SPDES permit renewal. The renewal process has been ongoing over the last 18 months and should be completed within the next 90 days. Provisions of the new permit are much more restrictive than prior permits. Mr. Brodsky requested that a monthly summary be provided to the Board of any proposed changes made at EPA, or any federal or state agency if it would affect MVWA operations.

Chairman DeLia asked for a motion to go into Executive Session at 5:18 PM to discuss a personnel matter. Motion made by: Mr. Brodsky. Seconded by: Ms. Szesny.
Vote: (8) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (4) Absent Motion Carried.

Went into Executive Session at 5:20 PM

Chairman DeLia asked for a motion to come out of Executive Session at 5:35 PM. Motion made by: Ms. Szesny. Seconded by: Mr. Brodsky.
Vote: (8) Ayes (0) Nays (0) Abstain (4) Absent Motion Carried

Meeting was adjourned at 5:36 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Suzanne M. Harmon, Secretary
Mohawk Valley Water Authority